Saturday, January 14, 2012

Racist, part 1

1. I do not fully buy the resource only argument. When you look at the writing even up to the 1800s when Lincoln fought as a soldier in the plains indian war, it is clear that it is more than resources. It is not necessary for instance to ban interracial marriage to extract resources or conquer a place. When we invade iraq, we did it for oil. When the brits did it years ago, it was because they were non whites. This is why no one ever bothered to invade east europe and colonize them until what Hitler?
also when the different types of white people invaded each other in the new world, they did not put the kids of french into english schools and tell them french are scum and 3/5 human or put the french on french reserve and ban marriage to french people by english.
2. Those nationalist parties across europe are overtly racist. Those european countries have high cost of living and those women in general are unwilling to have more than 3 kids. I have yet to meet a white women willing to have 6 or 8 kids in my age group outside of america or in europe. Most want no more than 1 and 4 is pushing it. 4 is what is needed to grow the population so europe needs immigrants to pay taxes for the old people social benefits. These nationalist do not oppose white immigration, they just oppose what they deem to be inferior races like browns and muslims and slavic people (because they view them as not real whites)

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