Saturday, January 14, 2012

Comprehensive list of places to get women

Comprehensive list of places to pick up women
I was just over at the yoga forum and got this idea. Since women in bars and clubs put up their b-shield and have their picking just because of numbers. Lets make a comprehensive list of places/classes men are outnumbered by women (attractive women) by no less than 3:1.
I remember when I was in high school, I took a psychology class and there were 5 guys and like 30 girls = easy picking. I did the same in university to meet women taking those courses I knew would be loaded with women but now I'm done. So gentlemen, lets construct our list because we all know how women compete for men when there are multiple women around and one man.
-Yoga Class
-School classes (for those still in school) that involve no math (english, history, french, social sciences in general especially psychology and anthropology - stay away from physics if you want to see a pussy)
-Dance class (I'd imagine, try to go for a one where you can grind on her and where you can check out the class composition before you sign up so that you won't be partnered up with a man because of lack of numbers)
-Photographer of female models - I have no clue how to get into that role, but I'm sure it makes picking up hot women easier.

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